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duramat last won the day on July 9 2021

duramat had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

462 Excellent

About duramat

  • Rank
    Could be Worse..
  • Birthday 09/08/1973

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  • Interests
    Darkside domination to all

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  • Boat
    Centurion Elite V C4

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  1. last Surf Set for the Season is tomorrow!

    1. surf moocher

      surf moocher

      Departure in 5 hours


  2. down 30lbs.....

    1. DrNate


      that's impressive!

    2. truekaotik


      Shut up!!! I won't notice ya D... Hehe

    3. RVR-RAT


      Looks like not having access to the all you can eat soft serve is paying off !!!!!!!

  3. I need to lose 20lbls or find a Red Woody

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. superdtf


      It's cheaper to eat less food. That's the plan I'm attempting, I'll let you know how it fairs.


    3. rawinnin


      Lose 40 that way you account for 20 from me

    4. superdtf


      9 lb's down, so far so good.


  4. Northern Utah Mafia getting our suf on at Willard this morn :D

  5. Fly out of Anchorage tonight, Wife has the motorhome loaded, hook up the boat and Head to Bear Lake...STOKED!

    1. RVR-RAT


      Sweet!! have a safe trip

  6. 2012 Pics

  7. Back to the Storage Bay to work on Speakers!!

  8. Fly home tomarrow, Arrive home Friday, and then hit it hard washing/buffing/polishing boat, and start installing the new WS system!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KnuckleDragger


      A few inches of snow today. A sure sign that dura is back home!

    3. Jackfly


      Dang it DUDE. Way to bring prudoe home with you!!


    4. duramat


      My apologies for the winter storm, I feel like I'm plagued for life to only have crap weather wherever I go :(


      We got Kris's boat out of the storage unit.

  9. Enjoying the rail jam at the Salt Lake Boat show!! The Utah surf Mafia having a good time.

    1. truekaotik


      that was a cool clip you sent.. they have nothing like that at our boat shows :(

  10. Assorted Pics from many who contributed.
  11. Heading out with the Great Knuckledragger for some Tubin and Surfin on Willard tonight! WOOT WOOT!

  12. My Heelside gets better and better every outing with the Bigcat. My biggest air, and it was HS! now if I can just land it :)

    1. bobback


      Any pics.?!


  13. Gate D4: Fort Worth Dallas Texas Gate D3: Anchorage AK Id rather be on the Dallas flight than the other!

  14. O'Brien Boost dry suit ROCKS! 51 degree water was not an issue :) Thanx for the pull Kris!

  15. O'Brien Boost dry suit ROCKS! 51 degree water was not an issue :)


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