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Showing most liked content on 03/22/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I would remove the belt and hand check everything. Total speculation, but maybe you have a bearing that is seizing up or worn out? Something is locking up the belt and not allowing it to turn, makes sense that you should be able to feel an issue if you wiggled them all by hand to see what kind of play you have or if one does not want to turn freely (The ones you can turn without engine on, like the water pump). May even be worth having someone start the engine briefly while you are back there to see if anything is not looking right, or making weird noises. Perhaps you will find your issue that way. Good luck.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Great Job man! I wish those speakers were in my range when it came to price but ill be putting something similar together for my enzo. Looks like your tower is set up similar to mine and im trying get an idea how to run the wires through the tower and down to the amps. Any way you can show some more pictures on how you routed the wires from the tower all the way down to the amps? I really want to get ideas on the jumps from tube to tube and then through the hull.

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