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  1. 1 point
    I would have agreed with you about the surf style board getting air more easily a couple weeks ago. The Diamond 54 is definitely slipperier(?) but the more time I spend on it and find the right balance, I honestly think it's just a little different riding style. With the surf I would actually get short of breath/dry mouth and kinda tired at the end of a ride from working. I can ride a lot longer on the skim with a lot less physical work if that makes sense. The hypsta was fast with some more traction underfoot but I would not say it is anything like the race. Still feels like a skim at heart. I got the Diamond 54 for $540 cause it had a blem on the paint. These are all expensive boards
  2. 1 point
    Troy for him it can’t hurt to try a 4’8 neo. The Neo is honestly my favorite board out there. Next season they have a new board the bandwagon coming out that has a slimmer profile and lower volume that sure to be a winner. I’ve been riding it this summer and it’s fireeee
  3. 1 point
    The kill switch and lanyard are in a bad place. It took me several occurrences of my knee hitting it to realize that was the problem. I have had the engine quit a time or two while going from in gear to idle. Sometimes the throttle lever gets hung up or sticks. The 2017 and earlier throttles are cheap. Mine is a 2017 also. The 2018 and newer use Livorsi which are much smoother. My previous boat had a Livorsi and I miss it...

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